Sunday, 12 January 2014

X-Wing - CR90 Corvette Blockade Runner - Part 1

hobby before i die
Pass the tissues mother!

Hi there! With fan boyz everywhere freaking at the thought of FFG's impending X-Wing 2014 releases, many are intrigued as to how the introduction of capitol ships will add to the game's rules. And of course, what a frickin' immense site it will be to see these beasts on the table-top alongside swarms of Rebel and Imperial fighters. Ti's truly what this game was made for!

Last summer, the urge to explore this opportunity proved too strong and I started to trawl eBay for some suitably appropriate models to represent early examples of these behemoths in my games. From an Imperial perspective, some of you may recall this tasty little acquisition...

For Rebels, there was only ever one option; the Kenner Collectors Fleet Blockade Runner:

hobby before i die

Upon opening the box, I was suitably impressed by the scale. It would look right at home alongside the X-Wing model range. Granted, whilst the model was nicely detailed, it did have a few minor 'toy' related elements on it that would need to be modeled out. The first of which were the rubber 'noise effect' buttons running down the neck of the ship. Fortunately/unfortunately, the buttons on my ship no longer worked, so I never did get to hear the 'pew pew' of the turbo lasers... Anyways, I ripped the buttons out and begun plasti-carding the area up to disguise the original detail.

The main modelling job would be to sort out the guns themselves. The model arrived with one snapped off completely and those that remained lacked any real detail or definition...

hobby before i die
The original (shoddy looking) gun barrels...
hobby before i die
...carefully removed, top and bottom...
hobby before i die
...holes drilled ready to receive the new gun barrels.

Plasti-card rod would be used to form the main length of the barrels but I'd also need to utilise something to form up the muzzles. Inspiration strikes in the strangest of places...

hobby before i die
GW Chaos Marine vehicle ram...
hobby before i die
...remove the spikes...
hobby before i die
...and the gun muzzles reveal themselves ;)  Drill em' out...
hobby before i die
...using a fine saw, carefully remove them from the remainder of the model...
hobby before i die
...mmm, tastes of hobby idiot...
hobby before i die
...drill out the other end of the muzzle...
hobby before i die
...the new barrels glued in place, with four new breaches to one side. 

Final job was to glue the new guns onto the main turrets. Having previously measured the plasti-card rod, I used an appropriately scaled drill bit to ensure they would fit nice and snugly in their new housing...

hobby before i die
The new gun barrels glued into place...
hobby before i die
...looking good :)

 With the conversion work complete, the model received a blast of grey car-primer undercoat:

hobby before i die
hobby before i die

OK, join me next time in Part 2, where we'll be looking to paint this sucker and find a suitable stand to make this baby really fly!



  1. Cant wait to see the paint job

  2. what is the size of this thing compared to the FFG model?

    1. It's 15.5in long (the FFG Tantive is 13in long). Cheers


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